Another progress report

I spent some time building a couple of tools to help me automate the generation and posting of new episodes. My process still requires quite a bit of hands-on review of the daily readings, but all in all, it saves a ton of time.

I have now generated and scheduled daily reading episodes through the end of September.

This project has been much more work than I thought it’d be. I hope somebody finds it useful.

Progress Report

  • Scheduled episodes through the end of April.
  • Generated episodes through the end of June.
  • Been making minor corrections to the text as I have found them. Once I am though generating all episodes, I’ll put out a new version of the epub and start formatting for a physical book.

More Updates

  • January and February episodes are all scheduled.
  • March’s episodes have been generated.
  • I am currently editing the scanned text from late September.
  • Added the easy subscribe button.
  • Fixed some spacing weirdness and borders I didn’t like on the sidebar.

Site Updates

I have now scheduled the first week of the daily readings, starting on December 25th.

In my corrections from the OCRed scan of the book, I am now in the readings for June. The corrections aren’t that hard, but they are very time consuming, especially the poetry.

All of the daily readings for January have been made, and uploaded. I just need to schedule episodes for them.

I am designing a simple cover for the eventual print and ebook. launch

Okay, even though I don’t totally have everything ready to go, I’m just launching the website. I’ll build up all the little things around the site as I go. At some point I’ll get the first episode of the podcast up, with an eye toward really getting it rolling on Christmas Day, as that’s the day of the first reading in the book. I already have up some general information about what I am doing on the about page.